Hello Hawks fans! It’s yours truly here again, Mac Cummings, and I’ve got the second episode of the food review series we’re doing for you guys. First, just wanted to say thank you to all you guys for the feedback and kind words y’all had on the first one. This was started BY the fans and is FOR the fans, so seeing things like that brings a huge smile to our faces. Now, for the real reason you are all here, the food reviews. For this episode I am going to be reviewing the food from the Antico Pizza food vendor in the Farm. Without further ado, let’s get to it!
Antico Pizza first opened in 2009 near Atlantic Station and hasn’t looked back since. If you have lived in Atlanta long enough, chances are you’ve heard of and possibly even had Antico. Antico’s popularity is more than earned though, this is some damn good pizza. Antico shows that you sometimes you don’t need the most extravagant ingredients to make a delicious pie. Antico has been mention by several media outlets as a top food destination in Atlanta but most notably for our crowd by Sports Illustrated. Having an Antico location within the Farm is just one more reason as to why we have the best fan experience in the league. With all that being said, I was pumped to do this review!
Here’s everything I got at my trip to Antico in the Farm:
- Pepperoni Pizza:
- Ingredients: San Marzano tomato, garlic, fresh mozzarella cheese, spicy pepperoni
- Price: $14
- Value: 2.3 out of 5
- Overall Rating: 4.4 out of 5
- Analysis: Now I can’t lie, I would have liked a little bit bigger of a pizza for the price point here, but good lord is this some damn good pizza. This pie lived up to the hype and then some. I’ve always been a pretty big pizza guy, and this had to be some of the best pizza I’ve ever had at an event like this. Just a simple pepperoni pizza was bursting with a ton of flavor. If you love pizza and price isn’t an issue for you, definitely go get this bad boy.
- Margherita Pizza:
- Ingredients: San Marzano tomato, bufala, basil, garlic, fresh mozzarella cheese
- Price: $14
- Value: 2.1 out of 5
- Overall Rating: 3.8 out of 5
- Analysis: Margherita pizzas aren’t necessarily my go-to for pizzas. It may be the American in me, but I like my pizzas with a little more meat than that. But, nonetheless, this pie was delicious too. The pizza had a creamy, tender flavor and had the perfect crispy crust to go along with it. The lower rating is definitely slightly due to it not being my favorite style of pie, but this thing still slaps regardless. If Margherita pizza is your jam, I am not worried you would walk away disappointed.
- Classic House Salad:
- Ingredients: Spring mix, cucumber, red onion, tomato, dressing choices of balsamic vinaigrette or ranch
- Price: $8
- Value: 3 out of 5
- Overall Rating: 3.6 out of 5
- Analysis: This salad wasn’t anything crazy, but I definitely thought it was a good, fresh salad for a salad from an arena. The dressings seemed to be homemade and we’re both really tasty. Nothing to write home about but certainly one of the better arena salads I’ve had in my day.
Overall, I thought this pizza was incredibly delicious and lived up the hype it so commonly receives. I have to admit though, the price of my entire meal was $40 which is a little high for me. If you’re going to offer such little options, (I ordered the entire menu) I would hope you would make it a little more affordable for the consumer. But, if you’re anything like me, you’ll bite into this pizza and realize why it’s so expensive. For the third time, it is damn good pizza. I’m hitting them hard on my overall rating due to the high price point and how long the line normally is for this place but don’t let the overall rating confuse you, you should definitely check it out if you love pizza. But maybe only once if you’re not a huge spender. Be on the lookout for the third episode of the series coming soon!
Overall Rating: 2.6 out of 5